NASA's Perseverance rover landed on Martian soil on 18th February, 2021 as part of the Mars 2020 mission. 

This terrain map shows the area of the rover's landing site on Mars. The target location is on the western part of the Jezero crater within the wider Isidis Planitia basin, where remnants of a paleo delta and paleolake exists. 

The site was chosen because of its indication to have once hosted water, and where potential traces of life in the rock and soil material can be collected and examined. 
Dataset for this map was obtained from USGS at

Reference: R.L. Fergason, T.M. Hare, R.L. Kirk, S. Piqueux, D.M. Galuzska, M.P. Golombek, R.E. Otero, and B.L. Redding, 2017, "Mars 2020 Landing Site Evaluation: Slope and Physical Property Assessment," 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 20-24 March 2017, at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1964, id.2163.
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