I was commissioned by Reef Life Survey and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (UTAS) researchers to design maps of offshore reef systems around Australia for their newest book. The publication aims to highlight the variety of shallow reef habitats within the country's marine parks network.

The book entitled "Living offshore reefs of Australian Marine Parks" draws on over a decade of data, analysis and images collected by volunteer and scientific RLS divers, and serves as a national review on the state of reef health as well as the diverse marine life that call them home.

Funded by the Australian Government, the landmark publication was authored by IMAS researchers, Professor Graham Edgar, Associate Professor Rick Stuart-Smith and Senior Technical Officer Antonia Cooper.
Available now on Booktopia, Dymocks, and other online bookstores-- https://www.booktopia.com.au/australian-marine-parks-graham-edgar/book/9781925546866.html

Image sources: Book cover (RLS); Book spread (Booktopia).

Bathymetry data from AusSeabed Marine Data Portal
Bathymetry data from AusSeabed Marine Data Portal
Zones and boundaries from Australian Marine Parks
Coordinate Reference System: GDA2020
Title Typeface: Tropikal Serif by Gabriel Reyes
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